
Copyright(C) 2018-19 Carlo Nucera
LicenseBSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerCarlo Nucera <meditans@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellNone




This module implements the unification algorithm described in `Efficient functional Unification and Substitution` by A.Dijkstra. The essential feature of the algorithm is that it is quite fast, and it dispenses with unification checks during the unification phase (you can perform it when applying substitutions directly). Further optimisations may come in future.


The Unifiable typeclass

class Substitutable a => Unifiable a where #

This is the class that offers the interface for unification. The user of the library is not supposed to add instances to this class.


unify :: Monad m => Term a -> Term a -> UnificationT m (Term a) #

Unify two values in the monad. This operation does not perform the occur check, for performance reasons and because you may not need it (for example when using non-recursive structures). If you want to be sure that your terms do not contain cycles, use the following function.

checkOccurs :: Monad m => Term a -> UnificationT m (Term a) #

This function will perform the occurs check, returning an equivalent term or a OccursCheckFailed exception. If you want to explicitly observe the occurs check failure, use @@ from the Substitutable class.

type SubstitutableGenConstraints a = (Typeable a, Generic a, HasDatatypeInfo a, Eq a, Show a, Substitutable a, All2 (Compose Show Term) (Code a), All2 (Compose Eq Term) (Code a), All2 (And Unifiable Substitutable) (Code a)) #

A constraint synonym that indicates all the constraints a type should have to be automatically part of the Unifiable class.

data UnificationError #

Encodes what could go wrong in unification. The monad UnificationT is instance of MonadError UnificationError.



Two terms that were unified have incompatible shapes.


A term failed the occurs check (it was cyclic).

A concrete transformer

newtype UnificationT m a #

A monad transformer to capture the threading of a substitution and the errors that can happen during unification. This is a monad transformer because you may want to change the monads at the bottom of the stack, for example to put there a non-determinism monad.

Monad m => MonadState Substitution (UnificationT m) # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Unification.Unification

Monad m => MonadError UnificationError (UnificationT m) # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Unification.Unification

Monad m => Monad (UnificationT m) # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Unification.Unification


(>>=) :: UnificationT m a -> (a -> UnificationT m b) -> UnificationT m b #

(>>) :: UnificationT m a -> UnificationT m b -> UnificationT m b #

return :: a -> UnificationT m a #

fail :: String -> UnificationT m a #

Functor m => Functor (UnificationT m) # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Unification.Unification


fmap :: (a -> b) -> UnificationT m a -> UnificationT m b #

(<$) :: a -> UnificationT m b -> UnificationT m a #

Monad m => Applicative (UnificationT m) # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Unification.Unification


pure :: a -> UnificationT m a #

(<*>) :: UnificationT m (a -> b) -> UnificationT m a -> UnificationT m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> UnificationT m a -> UnificationT m b -> UnificationT m c #

(*>) :: UnificationT m a -> UnificationT m b -> UnificationT m b #

(<*) :: UnificationT m a -> UnificationT m b -> UnificationT m a #

evalUnificationT :: Monad m => UnificationT m a -> m (Either UnificationError a) #

Calculate the result of an UnificationT computation.

runUnificationT :: Monad m => UnificationT m a -> Substitution -> m (Either UnificationError (a, Substitution)) #

Unwrap UnificationT to its meaning.